Register below for this event

Location:Elements Casino Victoria
1708 Island Highway
Victoria BC
Date:Friday November 15, 2024
Time:6:00 PM - 11:00 PM PST
Tickets:Regular - $150.00 plus $1.50 convenience fee
Auction Only - Free!
Contact:Lorrie Carlson
(250) 818-0530

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To purchase one or more tickets to this event simply fill in the following details and select 'Continue'.

Ticket Details
Regular:Regular Ticket
Auction Only:Can't make it to our event? You can still take part in our online auction free of charge!

Regular Admission Ticket: $150
Online Auction Only Ticket: Free
Table of 8 Tickets: Purchase a set of 8 tickets and become a table sponsor, allowing you the opportunity to customize the signage at your table. This can include a business logo, a personal message, or a design of your choice.