Donate to this event

Start:Tuesday August 20, 2024
12:00 PM PDT

End:Wednesday September 4, 2024
12:00 PM PDT
Contact:Sean Guist
(250) 383-2663
To make a cash donation to this event simply fill in the following details and select 'Continue'.

At Intrepid Theatre, we bring you theatre that is relevant and thrilling; theatre that can change your life, your view of the world and what is possible. Be a part of that! Become a donor, pr renew your gift.

If you believe in the Fringe, and in supporting artists like we do at Intrepid, please make a donation and fuel the future of innovative theatre in our city. We need your support now to keep the Fringe spirit alive, to continue to provide important opportunities for local artists, and to present cutting-edge contemporary theatre in Victoria all year-long. We have set out to raise $30,000 before the end of 2024, and we need your generous support to make that happen.

Intrepid Theatre is a registered charity, and a tax receipt will be sent after the close of the auction.